Detector SNR

Looking and SNR of spectra which go in the chi2 analysis to estimate a good sigma.

In [1]:
from mingle.utilities import masking
import numpy as np
from spectrum_overload import Spectrum
from import fits
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
% matplotlib inline

In [2]:
observations = [{"star": "HD4747", "obsnum": "1", "chip": "1"},
                {"star": "HD4747", "obsnum": "1", "chip": "2"},
                {"star": "HD4747", "obsnum": "1", "chip": "3"},
                {"star": "HD4747", "obsnum": "1", "chip": "4"},
                {"star": "HD30501", "obsnum": "2a", "chip": "1"},
                {"star": "HD30501", "obsnum": "2a", "chip": "2"},
                {"star": "HD30501", "obsnum": "2a", "chip": "3"},
                {"star": "HD30501", "obsnum": "2a", "chip": "4"},
                {"star": "HD30501", "obsnum": "2b", "chip": "1"},
                {"star": "HD30501", "obsnum": "2b", "chip": "2"},
                {"star": "HD30501", "obsnum": "2b", "chip": "3"},
                {"star": "HD30501", "obsnum": "2b", "chip": "4"},
                {"star": "HD30501", "obsnum": "3", "chip": "1"},
                {"star": "HD30501", "obsnum": "3", "chip": "2"},
                {"star": "HD30501", "obsnum": "3", "chip": "3"},
                {"star": "HD30501", "obsnum": "3", "chip": "4"},
                {"star": "HD211847", "obsnum": "1", "chip": "1"},
                {"star": "HD211847", "obsnum": "1", "chip": "2"},
                {"star": "HD211847", "obsnum": "1", "chip": "3"},
                {"star": "HD211847", "obsnum": "1", "chip": "4"},
                {"star": "HD211847", "obsnum": "2", "chip": "1"},
                {"star": "HD211847", "obsnum": "2", "chip": "2"},
                {"star": "HD211847", "obsnum": "2", "chip": "3"},
                {"star": "HD211847", "obsnum": "2", "chip": "4"},]

In [3]:
snrs = []
for obs in observations:
    masks = masking.get_maskinfo(obs["star"], obs["obsnum"], obs["chip"])

    # Load in a spectrum
    name = "{0}-{1}-mixavg-tellcorr_{2}.fits".format(obs["star"], obs["obsnum"], obs["chip"])
    data, hdr = fits.getdata(os.path.join("/home/jneal/.handy_spectra/", name), header=True)
    spec = Spectrum(xaxis=data["wavelength"], flux=data["flux"], header=hdr) 
    spec2 = spec.copy()
    for mask_limits in masks:
            if len(mask_limits) is not 2:
                raise ValueError("Mask limits in mask file is incorrect for {0}-{1}_{2}".format(obs["star"], obs["obsnum"], obs["chip"]))
            spec2.wav_select(*mask_limits)  # Wavelengths to include
    snr = np.nanmean(spec.flux) / np.std(spec.flux)

    plt.plot(spec.xaxis, spec.flux)
    plt.plot(spec2.xaxis, spec2.flux)
    if obs["chip"] == "1":
        # lim = [2118.8, 2119.4]
        lim = [2113.5, 2114.2]
    elif obs["chip"] == "2":
        lim = [2129, 2135]
    elif obs["chip"] == "3":
        lim = [2144.9, 2145.35]
       lim = [2159.8, 2160.1]

    sec_snr = np.nanmean(spec.flux)/ np.nanstd(spec.flux)
    print("full snr", snr, "Section snr", sec_snr)

full snr 37.6448 Section snr 361.328
full snr 38.6754 Section snr 339.173
full snr 123.803 Section snr 364.766
full snr 60.0083 Section snr 207.123
full snr 27.9864 Section snr 178.68
full snr 34.286 Section snr 195.359
full snr 84.5612 Section snr 174.125
full snr 38.7268 Section snr 79.2258
full snr 28.2535 Section snr 186.798
full snr 34.5909 Section snr 209.603
full snr 86.0091 Section snr 179.345
full snr 43.304 Section snr 91.5642
full snr 28.2819 Section snr 192.783
full snr 34.2768 Section snr 214.019
full snr 76.4076 Section snr 198.433
full snr 33.5927 Section snr 93.3763
full snr 42.2634 Section snr 202.187
full snr 39.4826 Section snr 209.553
full snr 117.077 Section snr 283.249
full snr 66.843 Section snr 188.078
full snr 42.4795 Section snr 202.704
full snr 38.729 Section snr 246.059
full snr 104.197 Section snr 291.192
full snr 52.1507 Section snr 173.022

In [4]:
print("average snr", np.mean(snrs))
print("median snr", np.median(snrs))

average snr 210.906
median snr 200.31

In [5]:
datafile = "/home/jneal/Phd/data/Crires/BDs-DRACS/2017/HD30501-1/Intermediate_steps/"
datafile = "/home/jneal/Phd/data/Crires/BDs-DRACS/2017/HD30501-1/Intermediate_steps/"

data = fits.getdata(datafile)

[[  43123.6328125    46106.84375      48405.72265625 ...,  115634.40625
   115449.03125     116886.0703125 ]]
[[  43228.78125     46220.984375    48476.4609375 ...,  115590.40625
   115402.21875    117762.       ]]
array([[ 226.51933289,  233.85580444,  239.68647766, ...,  365.97677612,
         365.70599365,  392.41503906]], dtype=float32)


Am going to use a fix snr of 200 to perform the chi**2 analysis for now.

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